
Shabbat Dinners at The Shul!
Planning a Family Friday Night Shabbat Dinner is a beloved job – and the kids really rise to the task and throw themselves into it with tons of enthusiasm!
Our kid event chairs - grades 3 and up - get a little taste of the responsibilities of planning a dinner at the Shul: theme, décor, menu, game, D’var Torah,  entertainment, shopping, cooking, making phone calls to invite friends, and setting up. It’s a big job, and the kids LOVE taking ownership of the Shul’s event. 
Join the fun! Sign your child up to be an event chair for the next dinner, and RSVP for your family and friends to join the dinner, then sit back, relax and schep nachas!
» RSVP here for our Shabbat dinners!
CLICK HERE  to RSVP to join the Shabbat dinner!
Event Pictures
Kids Takeover Shabbat ... April 2018
Click here to see these great photos we captured before Shabbat! 
Babies (and Toddlers) Love Shabbat ... January 2018
Click here  to see these great photos we captured before Shabbat! 
Babies (and Toddlers) Love Shabbat ... November 2018
Click here  to see these great photos we captured before Shabbat!